QNA > I > Fa Bene Mangiare Arachidi Ogni Giorno?

Fa bene mangiare arachidi ogni giorno?

Don Terron

Yes it is good to eat groundnuts/peanuts daily. I'm providing you with some of the benefits of groundnuts —

  1. Helps fight depression
  2. Boosts Memory Power —This is due to their vitamin B3 which provides normal brain functioning and boosts memory power.
  3. Lowers Risk of Weight Gain —Research has shown that people who eat nuts at least twice weekly are much less likely to gain weight than those who almost never eat them.
  4. Helps Prevent Gallstones — It may come as a surprise that peanuts can help prevent gallstones. Eating 1 ounce of nuts, peanuts or peanut butter a week lowers the risk of developing gallstones by 25%.
  5. Helps Lower Cholesterol Levels — Peanut aids in reducing bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol levels.
  6. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease —Peanu ts are rich in heart-friendly fats and antioxidants. So take a handful of peanuts and other nuts at least four times a week to reduce your risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease.
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