QNA > H > Quanto Durano Le Piante Di Erbe?

Quanto durano le piante di erbe?

Brosy Brookins

This is a tough question to answer. Are they planted or are you talking about cut herbs?

  • Planted herbs last for as long as you take care of them. If they have the right temperature conditions, water, and light, you can harvest from them.
  • Cut herbs: they should last a few days to a week.
  • Dried herbs: as long as they’re dry and don’t mold. Keep out of light.
  • Frozen-fresh. I often put mine in bags in the freezer for the winter when the plants outside die. They’ll last until next season’s harvest.

If you’re taking care of your herbs, perennial herbs like sage and lavender come back in my region but annual, yearly herbs like cilantro and dill reseed themselves, so I’ve got a constant supply.

But, really, it’s tough to know how long your plants will last without knowing your growing seasons and the conditions they’ll be in.


Se si asciugano le erbe e si conservano in un ambiente fresco e asciutto in un contenitore ermetico probabilmente dureranno anni. I nemici principali sono il calore e l'umidità. Se riesci a interrompere il contatto tra loro e le erbe, possono probabilmente durare all'infinito.

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