QNA > W > Cosa Posso Mangiare Come Spuntino Alle 4 Del Pomeriggio?

Cosa posso mangiare come spuntino alle 4 del pomeriggio?


Well if you are a vegetarian like me, I can suggest you some awesome and quick recepie for evening snack. I am a working women and have to prepare my own mean, and eating out everyday is not feasible as firstky, you spend a lot of money and secondly,. Let's be honest we cannot eat outside daily.. Like everbody says “ ghar ke khaney ki baat hi kuch aur hoti hai “

I followe a basic routine for everyday evening snack, so that I don't get bored of it.. Let me share it with you as well.

  1. Monday - Being the first working day I try to keep it simple so my evening snack will mosly be - Apple and a bowl of pomegranate( which I usually prepare a night before)
  2. Tuesday - I have some potato and ground nuts khichdi ( as potato being a great source of carbohydrate and peanuts being a great source of protein ) it's one of the healties snack.
  3. Wednesday - Moong daal.sprouts chaat- This is one of the yummiest snack. Just heat up a pan put some slieces of chillies and onions and fry it with some chaat masalas and put maggie masala on top ( my secret ingridient). And lots of coriander leaves for garnish.
  4. Thusday - I have some basic snack like - chikki ,or dry fruits laddo , some times bhel (puffed rice ) with green tea.
  5. Friday - Here comes the Fun day. I usually go out with my colleague's for evening snack and eat sandwich, some times it will be some south indian snacks which I love ( idli, wada or dosa), or it can also be some chaat or paav bhaji. Or some times coconut water.
  6. Saturday/Sunday - Since I cook my own meal I try to make something special on weekends. And it won't be specially a 4 o'clock snack. But my weekend snacks mosly consist of big beautiful bowl of mixed fruits, or sometimes bread rolls, or dahi wade , Dahi boondi raita to keep to cool and chill all day long.

#Happy eating.. #Healthy eating

Rosetta Gattus

È davvero divertente che io abbia trovato la tua domanda. È vicino alle 4 del pomeriggio e troppo vicino alla cena, quindi ho appena fatto uno spuntino nutriente. La mia scelta è stata Sargento Sweet Balanced Breaks, il formaggio Monterey Jack, mirtilli secchi e noci glassate al caramello. Ha 5 g di proteine e solo 180 calorie.

Hanno diverse varietà, ma a me piace di più il formaggio Monterey Jack. Questo è il Jack con mirtilli secchi e noccioline ricoperte di cioccolato fondente (non l'ho ancora provato, ma sembra delizioso).

Dare una risposta
Ho 16 anni e non riesco a dormire fino all'una di notte. Cosa c'è che non va in me? :: Ho 13 anni. Voglio svegliarmi alle 4:30 del mattino, ma ho bisogno di 8-10 ore di sonno. Inoltre non voglio andare a letto molto presto. Cosa posso fare?
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