QNA > W > Quali Piante Crescono Bene In Piena Ombra?

Quali piante crescono bene in piena ombra?

Jeannie Miao

Answering this question depends on temperature. Are you indoors or outdoors? Are you in frost free or not? What is yearly min and max temperatures? I will answer as if you are outdoors in coastal Southern California, since that is where I live. That is to say, Frost free with a range of temperatures from 33F to 110F.

  1. Antheriums ( weekly modest water, no chlorine in water).
  2. Phildendrons
  3. Ferns
  4. Begonias
  5. Mosses
  6. African violets
  7. Other house plants. Most originate in the tropics as jungle or rainforest understory plants. There are hundreds.

One more point, all plants will do better with some sun, and all of the above fall into that category. They just want filtered or reflected sun.

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