QNA > H > Come Cucinare I Fagioli In Una Pentola Di Coccio

Come cucinare i fagioli in una pentola di coccio


Metterli nella pentola di coccio con acqua, circa 2 a un rapporto per i fagioli secchi. Non mettere il sale o qualsiasi altra cosa con loro. Otterrete nuclei duri che non andranno via. Ci vogliono circa 3 o 4 ore per cuocere a fuoco vivo.

Cailly Hartill

Linked below is my recipe, but the crockpot is a good tool for dried beans (almost as good as a pressure cooker).

My recipe for basic beans: Big Crock Pot Full of Pinto Beans

Sorting and rinsing is essential, whether you do it as directed in the recipe or the way I do it today. I pour the dried beans onto a sheet pan and collect them on one end. I use a bench scraper (or any flat edge) to pull the beans to the other end, looking for small stones and beans that I’d rather not eat. I move a small amount of beans at a time. Then the beans are placed into a colander and well rinsed with cold water.

I stopped soaking dried beans when I was gifted a pressure cooker and have not regretted it. If they are gassier without soaking, I haven’t noticed it. They are gassy either way to me.

About times given in recipes for slow cookers: don’t trust them. The variability in slow cookers is amazing. For the first time with a recipe, make it on a day you will be able to monitor its progress. Don’t go nuts raising the lids but check the beans occasionally after a few hours cooking.

Liquids: Slow cookers don’t evaporate much water. Water vapor meets Mr. Lid and condenses. It runs back to the good stuff below. Keep that in mind, especially when adapted stovetop recipes to the slow cooker.

Photo and recipe below from: Simple Crock Pot Pinto Beans - Slender Kitchen

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